Adare Manor
Work is progressing at pace on Limerick’s prestigious Adare Manor Hotel & Golf Resort. Recent milestones include the commencement of the natural cut stone façade to the new west wing guest room extension and the erection of the substantial structural steel to the roof of the exclusive Ballroom, which has commenced ahead of schedule.
Extensive external restoration works are on-going to the existing Manor. Our specialist roofing, stone and window contractors are diligently working under the veil of a fully enclosed scaffold. The internal restoration is concurrently progressing with the entire upgrade of mechanical and electrical services along with the faithful restoration of the floor, wall and ceiling finishes throughout.
Our overall scope of works on the re-development comprises the restoration of the 19th century neo-gothic manor house, the refurbishment and extension of the 1989 guestroom wing and the addition of a new guestroom wing, ballroom, banqueting and world class spa facilities. The existing golf clubhouse will be refurbished and extended. Other developments throughout the estate include a new energy centre, facilities complex and upgrade to the golf course halfway house.