Construction of 1.8km of dual and single carriageway, with one roundabout intersection, and tie-ins to an existing un-signalised roundabout on a major link road to facilitate development of a 100-acre business park.
Project Overview
The project comprised of a live connection to an existing roundabout and roads and infrastructure works to a new 100-acre business park.
The scheme included 1.8km of roadwork, comprising 0.5km of double dual carriageway and 1.3km single lane carriageway, with one roundabout intersection. Cycle lanes, footpaths, grass verges with associated surface and foul water drainage, and utilities were included within the scope of the work. Extensive surface water drainage attenuation was constructed on the project, which involved the placing of 1,000m of 1.2m diameter steel attenuation pipework. The project required six culverted stream crossings, a 1.5km foul outfall drainage pipeline (350mm diameter) was extended outside the site boundary via a wayleave and included a 4m-deep pipe-jacked trenchless crossing (1.0m dimeter).
The roads, roundabout and footpaths were constructed in a combination of imported granite paving slabs, kerbs, edgings and granite setts. Road capping and sub-base material volumes equated to 140,000m³, of which 56,000m³ (40%) was site processed rock and lime stabilised subgrade to reduce off-site disposal.
Key Features
- Phased TTM design involving multiple traffic switch overs for live roundabout construction
- Substantial earthworks due to site topography and soils including soil stabilisation
- Dual and single carriageway roads of 0.5 km and 1.3km, respectively, with two roundabouts
- Extensive hard and soft landscaping
- 1.0mØ pipe in trenchless pipeline (pipe jack) under live carriageway

Project Team
Client:Dasnoc Ltd / South Dublin County Council
Structural Engineer:
DFK Consulting Engineers
Project Details
Contract Value:€8.1 Million
Floor Area:
1.8 km (Dual / Single Carriageway)
7 months