RoSPA President’s Award 2022
We are delighted to have been awarded a RoSPA President’s Award 2022, recognising ten consecutive years achieving RoSPA Gold Awards. This is tremendous recognition for our Site Management Teams, EHS Team and Supply-Chain Partners who work tirelessly to maintain the highest standards of health, safety and wellbeing across our projects.
Thanks to all for their continued efforts in ensuring that everyone goes home safely each day.
Julia Small, RoSPA’s Achievements Director, said:
“To receive a RoSPA President’s Award is a fantastic and well-deserved accomplishment. All our award entrants demonstrate their unwavering commitment and passion for keeping people safe at work. By receiving this recognition John Paul Construction join like-minded businesses and organisations worldwide, who represent the very best in their approach to Health and Safety. I would like to add my personal thanks for all the work that it has taken to secure this well-deserved award – congratulations to all those involved, who champion and drive up Health and Safety standards every day. You are a fantastic example to others in your sector.”